By Sanna Komi, University of Helsinki (FI) The Finnish language version of this text (which can be found below) was originally published on Antroblogi on 2 December 2021. The debate[...]
By Judith Krauss, University of Sheffield What has CONVIVA Finland been up to? In the third episode of the convivial conservation podcast, we catch up with Sanna Komi, PhD researcher,[...]
By Judith Krauss, University of Sheffield The NORFACE/Belmont-funded CONVIVA – convivial conservation research project aims to promote (bio)diversity, coexistence and justice for humans and animals around four predators: jaguars, wolves,[...]
By Judith Krauss, University of Sheffield (UK) At the wonderful, all-virtual, low-carbon and inclusive POLLEN20 conference (22-25 September 2020), the CONVIVA team had the privilege of convening (Laila Thomaz Sandroni,[...]
By Wilhelm Kiwango, The University of Dodoma (Tanzania) For Part 1 of Wilhelm’s reflections particularly on his experience with Lion Guardians in Kenya, please click here. Different contexts, yet similar[...]
By Wilhelm Kiwango, The University of Dodoma (Tanzania) The CONVIVA research project explores the idea and vision of convivial conservation, and how it could be operationalised in Tanzania’s wildlife landscape,[...]
By Sanna Komi, University of Helsinki (Finland) What, if anything, has conservation got to do with extractivism? What are some of the more general phenomena that shape the way we[...]
Bram Büscher and Rob Fletcher have just published their new book “The Conservation Revolution: radical ideas for saving nature beyond the Anthropocene”, now out on Verso books: “Conservation needs a[...]
Now that we have completed more or less the first year of the CONVIVA – convivial conservation research project, what has CONVIVA’s Brazil team been working on? The second episode[...]
What is convivial conservation? The inaugural episode of the convivial conservation podcast asks Prof Bram Büscher (University of Wageningen) to answer this question in a slightly unusual format: drawing inspiration[...]