Bruku, C. E. (2024). Rethinking conservation: Social injustices and the case for convivial conservation in Ghana’s Kyabobo National Park. International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation. DOI: 10.5897/IJBC2024.1632
Martin, J.V., (2024). Conservation and conviviality in the American West. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 12(1) : 00073. doi:
Massarella, K., Krauss, J.E., Kiwango, W. & Fletcher, R. (2022). Special section: ‘Exploring convivial conservation in theory and practice’. Conservation and Society. With contributions by: C. Ampumuza, E. (L. Y.) Hsiao, M.B. Mabele, J.E. Krauss & W. Kiwango; P. Bocci; H.L. Pettersson, Claire H. Quinn, G. Holmes & S. Sait; S. Toncheva, R. Fletcher & E. Turnhout; S. van Bommel & S. Boonman-Berson; R. Pandya; G. Iordachescu; V. Fiasco & K. Massarella; W.A. Kiwango & M.B. Mabele. Summaries and links to all articles here.
Massarella, K., Krauss, J.E., Kiwango, W. & Fletcher, R. (2022). Exploring convivial conservation in theory and practice: possibilities and challenges for a transformative approach to biodiversity conservation. Introduction to the special section ‘Exploring convivial conservation in theory and practice’ in journal Conservation and Society. DOI: 10.4103/cs.cs_53_22
Kiwango, W.A. & Mabele, M.B. (2022). Why the convivial conservation vision needs complementing to be a viable alternative for conservation in the Global South. Conservation and Society. DOI: 10.4103/cs.cs_45_21
Mabele, M.B., Krauss, J.E., Kiwango, W. (2022) Going back to the Roots: Ubuntu and Just Conservation in Southern Africa. Conservation and Society. DOI:10.4103/cs.cs_33_21
Krauss, J.E. (2022). Unpacking SDG 15, its targets and indicators: tracing ideas of conservation. Globalizations.
Sandroni, L.T., Ferraz, K.M.P.M.B., Marchini, S., Percequillo, A., Coates, R., Paolino, R., Barros, Y., Landis, M., Ribeiro, Y., Munhoes, L.P. (2022). Stakeholder mapping as a transdisciplinary exercise for jaguar conservation in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Conservation Science and Practice.
Fiasco, V., Massarella, K. (2022). Human-Wildlife Coexistence: Business as Usual Conservation or an Opportunity for Transformative Change? Conservation and Society. DOI:10.4103/cs.cs_26_21
Toncheva, S., Fletcher, R., Turnhout, E. (2021). Convivial Conservation from the Bottom Up: Human-Bear Cohabitation in the Rodopi Mountains. Conservation and Society. DOI:10.4103/cs.cs_208_20
McInturff, A., Cannon, C.E.B., Alagona, P.S., Pellow, D.N. (2021). Meeting at the crossroads: An environmental justice framework for large carnivore reintroductions and recoveries. Elementa.
Krauss, J.E. (2021) Decolonizing, conviviality and convivial conservation: towards a convivial SDG 15, life on land? Journal of Political Ecology. Special section: Challenges in Decolonizing Conservation, edited by Dan Brockington, Esteve Corbera and Sara Maestre Andrés.
Massarella, K., Nygren, A., Fletcher, R., Büscher, B., Kiwango, W.A., Komi, S., Krauss, J.E., Mabele, M.B., McInturff, A., Sandroni, L.T., Alagona, P.S., Brockington, D., Coates, R., Duffy, R.V., Ferraz, K.M.P.M.B., Koot, S., Marchini, S., Percequillo, A.R. (2021). Transformation beyond conservation: how critical social science can contribute to a radical new agenda in biodiversity conservation. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 49, pp. 79-87.
Büscher, B. and Fletcher, R. (2019) Towards Convivial Conservation. Conservation and Society 17, pp. 283-96.
Marchini, S., Ferraz, K.M.P.M., Zimmermann, A., Guimaraes-Luiz, T., Morato, R., Correa, P.L.P. and Macdonald, D.W. (2019). Planning for Coexistence in a complex human-dominated world. In: Frank, B., Glikman, J.A. and S. Marchini (eds). Human-Wildlife Interactions: Turning Conflict into Coexistence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 414-438.
Paolino, R.M., Landis, M.B., Ferraz, K.M.P.M. de B., Chiarello, A.G. (2018). Human-wildlife conflicts and cascading effects of jaguar ecological extinction in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Wild Felid Monitor, Summer 2018, p. 20.
Nygren, A. K., and Wayessa, G. O. (2018). At the intersections of multiple marginalisations: displacements and environmental justice in Mexico and Ethiopia. Environmental Sociology, 4(1), pp. 148-161.
Mabele, M.B. (2017). Beyond forceful measures: Tanzania’s ‘war on poaching’ needs diversified strategies more than militarised tactics. Review of African Political Economy, 44(153), pp. 487-498.
Kiwango, W., Komakech, H., Tarimo, T. and Martz, L (2017). Levels of community participation and satisfaction with decentralized wildlife management in Idodi-Pawaga Wildlife Management Area, Tanzania. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology (25), pp. 1-11.
Büscher, B., Fletcher, R., Brockington, D., Sandbrook, C.S., Adams, W.M., Campbell, L., Corson, C., Dressler, W., Duffy, R., Gray, N., Holmes, G., Kelly, A., Lunstrum, E., Ramutsindela, M. and Shanker, K. (2016). Half-Earth or Whole Earth? Radical ideas for conservation, and their implications. Oryx 51 (3), pp. 407-410