For co-existence, (bio)diversity and justice in conservation

Convivial Conservation Network Map

Whether you’re an activist, academic, policymaker or changemaker (or anything inbetween!) put your mark on the map if you are dedicated to furthering a convivial conservation paradigm that redirects conservation politics, policy and practice in support of systemic change! (See the CC manifesto here).

To add yourself (or your organization, your university department, etc.) as a new entry to the map:

1. Click on the “+” in the top right corner of the map

2. Next, tell us who you are! Introduce yourself, your work, or your journey to convivial conservation in the description, you can even include a logo or another image file. Make sure to include your location (that’s critical!), then submit!

3. Hang tight – your new entry will be up soon!

+Add location

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