By Bram Büscher and Robert Fletcher, Wageningen University (Netherlands). In the face of the sixth extinction, rising wildlife crime and biodiversity under dire threat around the globe, environmental conservation finds[...]
By the Brazilian CONVIVA team. Interdisciplinarity as a goal and starting point. The Brazilian team implementing the CONVIVA – convivial conservation project is a highly diverse group of enthusiastic researchers from[...]
The California Grizzly Research Network and NORFACE/Belmont Forum/NSF-funded CON-VIVA working group invite applications for a two-year postdoctoral fellowship in conservation social science. Since 2016, the Grizzly Network ( has been[...]
Position 3: postdoc (36 months), based at the ESALQ (Piracicaba) from the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil; position to study human-wildlife conflict in the Atlantic Forest biome involving Jaguars Description[...]
Due to popular demand our research symposium on Convivial Conservation will now be livestreamed here. It will then be archived here and available for viewing for the next three years. Please join us!
Towards Convivial Conservation? Governing Human-Wildlife Relations in the ‘Anthropocene’ (CONVIVA) Research Symposium co-sponsered by Centre for Space Place and Society (CSPS)and Political ecology @ WUR 1 November 2018 Orion Building C2030 Wageningen University,[...]
We wish to appoint a Research Associate to the Sheffield Institute for International Development. The appointee will work as a postdoctoral researcher on the recently awarded project ‘Towards Convivial Conservation:[...]
PhD (three years), based at the University of Helsinki, Finland: position to study human-wildlife conflict in eastern and western parts of the country involving wolves as part of larger CON-VIVA project. We[...]