For co-existence, (bio)diversity and justice in conservation

Convivial Conservation Centre podcast series!

Want to hear the latest on convivial conservation?

The Convivial Conservation Centre has launched a new podcast, with host Eliana Muccio.

In Convivial Conservation Around the Globe, she dives deep into the world of convivial conservation with thought-provoking discussions and expert insights. She ties in the convivial conservation manifesto principles to cc research and projects around the world.

>> See the first episode right here! <<

Keep up to date on all new episodes by following the new CC-Youtube channel:

Eager for more? Check out this new episode of Froniers of Commoning, with David Bollier (Episode #53)
Bram Büscher: Bridging the Human/Nature Divide through Convivial Conservation

You can also read more on David Bollier’s blog: